Union Park Volvo Cars Wilmington DE
Union Park Volvo Cars Wilmington DE
Union Park Volvo Cars Wilmington DE
Union Park Volvo Cars Wilmington DE

Real People, Real Volvos

Learn More About Our Local Wilmington Volvo Drivers

Our Union Park Volvo Cars customers have been helping us keep it real for the past 20 years. Meet some of our real customers who are making a real contribution to our community.


Yukie Yamamoto

Union Park Volvo Cars Wilmington DE

WHO: Yukie Yamamoto


WORKPLACE: Flowers by Yukie

TITLE: Owner


WHAT MOTIVATES ME: I love to make beautiful flower arrangements to make people happy.

MORE ABOUT ME: I have been in business for 40 years and have been very lucky to have good people work with me.

Bob Sonchen and Family

Union Park Volvo Cars Wilmington DE

WHO: Bob Sonchen and Family (Christina, Anna, William, Katie & Archie)

VOLVO: S60, S60, XC60


TITLE/S: President

WHAT MOTIVATES YOU: Family. It’s our top priority to keep our kids safe while driving. Safety is something we don’t compromise on when it comes to our children and Volvo provides peace of mind for us. As a small business owner in Delaware, it is very important for me to do business with other family-run small businesses. In this case it was a pleasure to work with the folks at Union Park when purchasing my three kids’ Volvos.



The Parsells

Union Park Volvo Cars Wilmington DE

WHO: Mark and Cathy Parsells

VOLVO: Volvo S90

WORKPLACE: Mark works at Montpelier Ventures and Cathy works at the Kalmar Nyckel Foundation

TITLE/S: Mark is Founder and Managing General Partner and Cathy is Executive Director

WHAT MOTIVATES US: Mark: I love helping people and solving problems. Whether it's a business, a non-profit or an individual, I really enjoy working together to develop win-win solutions to complex situations. I love to see people and organizations get "unstuck" and thrive!

Cathy: I am motivated by new challenges and finding ways to give back to the community. The Kalmar Nyckel Foundation has provided many opportunities for both over the last 9 years. My greatest motivators are my family and friends.


Peter Houle, MBA

Union Park Volvo Cars Wilmington DE

WHO: Peter Houle, MBA

VOLVO: Volvo XC40

WORKPLACE: Delaware HIV Consortium

TITLE: Executive Director

UNION PARK VOLVO CUSTOMER: Since 2002. I have been a loyal customer of Union Park Volvo for more than 17 years. During this time, I have purchased or leased six other new Volvo's from Union Park: S90, S60, V60, XC60, just to name a few.

WHAT MOTIVATES ME: I have worked in the HIV field for the past 30 years in IL, AZ and now DE for the past 17 years. I am motivated by helping empower people living with HIV disease to live their lives to the fullest and to have optimal health outcomes. I long for the day when HIV has been eradicated and I have worked for three decades to help bring this about. My yoga practice, travelling, my faith, the ocean, family, husband and puppies all motivate me to be the best person that I can be!

I believe action speaks louder than words….and that it is everyone's human responsibility to give back whatever they can because blessings given will become blessings received. Namaste.

ABOUT THE DELAWARE HIV CONSORTIUM: The Delaware HIV Consortium's mission "is dedicated to providing leadership to eliminate HIV in Delaware by supporting and providing optimal HIV care and prevention services." The Delaware HIV Consortium (DHC) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) that has been serving Delawareans infected and affected with HIV disease for the past 3 decades. Through community collaborations, the DHC provides the largest array of direct client services in the state. All services are provides statewide and include; medical case management, emergency financial assistance, behavioral health individual and family counselling, the state's only housing assistance program, community planning, mail order condom distribution, outreach, education and advocacy, HIV & Hep C testing, Re-engagement and linkage to care services, service referrals, the NAMES Project-AIDS Memorial Quilt, as well as administrating several other direct client services for the Department of Public Health.

The Delaware HIV Consortium also host several major fundraising events: The Annual WOW Awards Celebration, honoring individuals, organizations, companies and stakeholders for their philanthropic endeavors that benefit the DHC and the Thanksgiving "Easy as Pie" pie sail. Also, with AIDS Delaware, both organizations sponsor and host the Annual AIDS Walk Delaware in Wilmington and Rehoboth Beach.

For more information on the Delaware HIV Consortium and/or how you may support the organization, please log onto www.delawarehiv.org


Dan Butler

Union Park Volvo Cars Wilmington DE

WHO: Dan Butler

VOLVO: Volvo XC90

WORKPLACE: Piccolina Toscana & Brandywine Prime

TITLE: Owner

WHAT MOTIVATES ME: I love the satisfaction I get when I know that I’ve created something that pleases other people... whether it’s a favorite old dish, a new creation or an excellent experience at one of my restaurants.


Chris Patterson

Union Park Volvo Cars Wilmington DE

WHO: Chris Patterson


WORKPLACE: Patterson Schwartz Real Estate

TITLE: Part Owner/Active Real Estate Agent


WHAT MOTIVATES ME: I am proud to be actively involved with a locally owned and operated real estate company for over 42 years personally providing sound advice and service to the customers in our community.


Amy Lepore

Union Park Volvo Cars Wilmington DE

WHO: Dr. Amy Lepore

VOLVO: 2019 Volvo V60

WORKPLACE: Anthem Planning Inc.

TITLE: President



The pursuit of improved safety for Anthem’s clients. Our work with first responders puts us in touch with incredible organizations that we are fortunate to be able to support. Our partnership with Union Park has allowed us to support Team Rubicon, a nonprofit organization that mobilizes veterans to continue their service, leveraging their skills and experience to help people prepare, respond, and recover from disasters and humanitarian crises.

ABOUT TEAM RUBICON: Team Rubicon’s mission is providing disaster relief to those affected by natural disasters, be they domestic or international. By pairing the skills and experiences of military veterans with first responders, medical professionals, and technology solutions, Team Rubicon aims to provide the greatest service and impact possible.

Team Rubicon is actively responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Team Rubicon has 55 COVID-19 response operations underway nationwide with 44 more in the mobilization and monitoring stages. So far, 25 operations have been completed. From setting up a field hospital in Santa Clara, CA for people recovering from the Coronavirus, and staffed by volunteer healthcare workers from Team Rubicon to creating a drop-in COVID-19 testing center in Charlotte, NC, Team Rubicon is at the forefront of disaster response.

For more information on Team Rubicon and/or how you may support the organization, please log onto https://teamrubiconusa.org/


Stephen Davies

Union Park Volvo Cars Wilmington DE

WHO: Stephen Davies

VOLVO: Volvo XC60 and two XC90s

WORKPLACE: APEX Engineering Incorporated

TITLE: President


WHAT MOTIVATES ME: My family is my greatest motivation. I grew up here in Wilmington and was raised by loving and supportive parents who were unbelievable roles models for their 7 children. I have modeled my life after their humble examples. At Villanova University, I not only received a quality education, but more importantly, I met Susan, my wife. Her strong family values, instilled in her by her stellar parents, laid the foundation for our children as well.

Raising, caring for and keeping our four children (and now grandchildren) safe, with open minds, giving hearts and strong core values, is our driving force. Volvos have always been known as family vehicles engineered for safety and endurance through many years of service. It only makes sense that we currently have 3 Volvos to help keep our active and growing family on the move, comfortable, safe and protected.

ABOUT APEX ENGINEERING INCORPORATED My wife and my family encouraged me to start Apex Engineering Inc. and have supported me in countless ways as Apex has grown into a successful part of the business fabric in Delaware and the tri-state area. Our team at Apex is like an extended family to me. We are committed to serving our community in a professional manner with the highest level of integrity. We strive to understand our clients’ needs, and provide them with an honest and complete assessment of what is needed to get the job done, then deliver timely and accurate professional civil engineering, land development and surveying services, while ensuring responsible sustainable growth in our area.